
We have used multiple models to validate our software tools. Each model has its own repository. In these repositories you can find;

  • The model in different formats relevant for the various tools that we provide

  • “Matlab” folder with:

    • Settings file relevant to use the model with our MATLAB® tools

    • Some examples of the output provided by our MATLAB® tools after running an Analysis

    This is also the folder were all the run time ouptuts of the matlab analysis are stored.

  • “Bionetgen and Steps” folder with relevant files for running the model in the subcellular aplication

  • “Neuron” folder with relevant files for running the model in NEURON.

Note: Model_Fujita_2010 does not contain “Bionetgen and Steps” and “Neuron” folders as this model was not implemented in these softwares.

Links to the model repositories: